Roonee 247 Fine Arts(ルーニィ・247ファインアーツ)


Room 1+2企画展

大木靖子 写真展「ひかりと旅 イタリア」


会期:2019.07.30(TUE)- 2019.08.04(SUN)


初めてイタリアを訪れたのは2016年9月,ローマ近郊の町,カステルヌオーボ・ディ・ポルトの城塞で行われる「カステルヌオーボ・フォトグラフィア」という写真の祭典に参加するためです。針穴カメラを用いた,肉眼で見るのとはちょっと違う光景の私の作品をネットで見ていたキュレータのマヌエラに招待されて「ひとひら」と「ペットボトルと旅」を展示しました。お客様が感想を伝えてくれたり,主催者のビビの自宅でのパーティに参加したり,イタリア語はほとんど分からないながらも楽しみました。この展示を見たローマのギャラリー,Doozoのステッラに個展を依頼され,2017年2月に終了パーティに合わせて再訪。この時に会ったGalleria Galleratiのカールロにグループ展に招かれ,2019年2月に再びローマを訪れました。

写真家 大木靖子

I visited Italy for the first time in September, 2016 to participate in a photo festival, “Castelnuovo Fotografia,” held in a fortress in Castelunuovo di Porto, near Rome. Manuela, a curator, had seen my photos taken with a pinhole camera on Internet, which are a little bit different from the sights we can see with our own eyes, and invited me to exhibit “Hiohira” and “Trips with a plastic bottle.” Although I hardly understood Italian, I enjoyed talking with visitors and parties held by Elisabetta, the director of the festival. Stella, the owner of the gallery, Doozo in Rome, saw my exhibition and invited me to hold a solo show, so I visited Italy again in February, 2017. Then I met Carlo, the owner of Galleria Gallerati and was invited for a group show and visited Rome again in February, 2019.
A lot of people, not only who are engaged in photography but also other people are interested in my works. I also got some friends and went out to take photos with them, visited and stayed in their home, talked about our works, and sometimes was helped when I had troubles. Through these relations, I got to know Italy little by little, where I didn’t have any connections before.
My photos bring me to new places and lead me to new encounters. I will continue to find new unknown sight, with new discoveries brought by looking at things from slightly different point of view.

Oki, Yasuko (photographer)

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